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Over the 2020-2021 school year, C!E did a series of projects in partnership with the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction. The focus of the work was family and community partnership, first at a statewide scale and then with local communities. These communities produced a number of assets that we and they wish to share because we believe they are ripe for approximation. 
First you will see the Strategy Playbook created by the statewide PK-12 Alliance.  Inside this playbook are eight strategies created in response to themes uncovered through a lengthy user empathy process.  They may be useful if you have learners, families or teachers with similar needs. Download a PDF of the full North Dakota PK-12 Alliance Playbook here.
Then you will see the tools, materials and recorded sessions from the Family, Community, Student Co-Creation Process. If you are curious about co-creating with families and learners, check out these materials. Also feel free to email Doannie Tran, our Partner of Liberatory Co-Creation if you wish to learn more at

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